Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WoW on a Gamepad

Playing World of Warcraft using a gamepad is a challenge, to say the least.  There are a unique set of obstacles we need to address because, WoW was designed around the mouse+keyboard.  Think back to the first time you played Halo on the X-box.  All those years of CS (Counterstrike) didn't do anything to help, did they?  Movement was clumsy and aiming was nearly impossible.

The first, and most obvious, obstacle to address is: you can't just plug a PS3 or 360 controller into a PC and expect it to do anything.  You need a interface that will allow you to bind each of the buttons to a key, or to a macro.  This is where Xpadder comes in handy.  After experimenting with several, I've found this application to be the most customizable.  To top it all off, it's very user-friendly!

There is a free version, but if you want the premium iteration, and updates, you can shell out $10.  And I'd encourage you do!  The free version is ever-so-slightly quirky and not bug-free.



So L2 and R2 can be used to assign different "sets".  What this means, is that I can bind the A, B, X, Y (or whatever dumb shaped Sony uses) to THREE different spells.

For example...

[no modifier] A = Fireball
[hold L2] A = Fireblast
[hold R2] A = Blink

The possibilities are nearly endless!  That turns a basic 4-button controller into a powerful tool, capable of 28 different spells.  That's just about enough for any gamer!


  • I can literally put WoW on my LCD TV, sit back on the couch, and game away
  • ergonomically, I feel like it's far superior to hunching over a keyboard & mouse
  • Keybindings are grouped in 4's, in a way that is easy to commit to memory, and quick to carry out



  • Where to begin... I can't play my Healer, as the mouse cursor is slow and totally hard to control
  • Movement is awkward, I struggle in PvP, especially with targeting and with turning
  • No typing :(



All things considered, I'm really happy with this solution.  It is simple and elegant, and most importantly, comfortable.  The huge drawback, and the thing that I can never get past, is that it is almost impossible to competitively game with this.  WoW just wasn't designed with a gamepad in mind =/

Still, I use this probably a couple times a month, especially when fishing, or when casually questing.

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