Sunday, November 7, 2010

14 Things to do to Prepare for Cataclysm


1. Fill Your Quest Log

We have a 25-quest cap and you should take every opportunity to complete as many quests prior to Cataclysm as you can.  But, DO NOT turn them in.  Rather, leave them active in your log and wait until you can benefit from the EXPERIENCE POINTS they can yield.  The moment leveling to 85 is unlocked, turn them all in.  22,000 XP * 25 Quests = over 500,000 Experience!  That should be almost 10% of a level, basically for free!

2. Empty Your Bags

Aside from the dozen-or-so quest items you have to keep around, remove all of the clutter.  Here's a news flash for you: [Eternal Fire] or [Stupid Broad Sword off of Trash] isn't gonna mean JACK-CRAP in Cataclysm.  Send them all to a bank alt, and keep only your Hearthstone, consumables, a spare set of armor, and required quest items around.

3. Load Up on Consumables

Regardless of the fact that stats are being increased almost exponentially, you still will benefit from additional Attack Power or Spell Power.  So, I will be carrying: 20x [Flask of Choice], 40x [Potion of Choice], and 40x [Food of Choice].  Additionally, I will wait to purchase the new water, but I'll load up there, too.

4. Reformat Your Computer

WoW is not a resource hog, it's a 6 year old game.  However, it can be a resource hog if you want it to be.  Crank your settings to MAX for Cataclysm, because we are about to see Azeroth as never before!  The art and the scenery should be the greatest and most beautiful, and I, for one, want to see it all!  Therefore, I'll be clearing all the junk I've been accumulating over the last 6-months and committing nearly all the resources of my i5 Quad Core and ATI 5770 1GB processors to WoW!

5. Bookmark These Websites


There are countless useful resource websites devoted to WoW, this is a list of a few of my favorites.  But make sure they are open in a browser and ready to go, once Cataclysm drops.  You'll need a quick point of reference, if you get stuck on a quest and the last thing you want to be doing is filling /1 with babble that no one will want to help you with.

6. Purchase the Expansion

Leave the comfort of your house? Psh!  Don't even worry about getting out of your chair.  Just purchase and begin the digital download directly from Blizzard! Click here




1.Set Your Hearthstone to Stormwind (or Orgrimmar)

Stormwind will be where you pick up the initial quest Into the Abyss, that will take you off on your leveling journey.  So be ready to do your business in Northrend and then quickly jump to Stormwind.  REMEMBER THE PORTALS TO MAJOR CITIES WILL BE REMOVED, so don't count on them the morning of Cata.

2. Park Your Main in Storm Peaks or Icecrown

Member all those quests you ground last month?  Turn 'em in the moment you log on, via flying tour of Northrend.  Then, jump to Dalaran to do your final bit of business, before experiencing Azeroth anew.

3. Download QuestHelper

from Wow Interface

Save this for the DECEMBER 6th!  It will give the dev time to fit in any last-minute patches to the addon.

4. Get Some Sleep the Day Before

...and prepare for a sleepless day or two!

5. Clean Off Your Desk, Pop the Mt Dew in the Fridge, Stock Up on Frozen Pizza



 1. Turn in Those Quests

Cha-ching!  500,000+ XP incoming...

2. Choo Chooo!!! (train)

Train Professions - Check the link but I believe you will be able to train Illustrious Grand Master (525) in Dalaran, before you depart for questing

Train Archaeology Here  or  Here

Train Flight - Head to Krasus' Landing in Dalaran and pay 250g to learn flight in Azeroth

3. Begin the Journey

Depart for Stormwind and follow the questline that will lead you into Abyssal Maw!  And have fun exploring WoW's 3rd, and largest, expansion!!


Thanks to Wowhead and to Google Image Search.  And mostly, thanks to Project CWAL and their excellent guide: