First of all, this is the keyboard we're talking about...
This device is intended to be used in the Left hand, in place of a traditional keyboard. It is catered toward FPS as you can see, in the following ways...
- The layout of the keys are designed for common FPS bindings
- Certain keys are labeled ie. - [ CTRL "Crouch" ] and [ SPACE "Jump" ]
- The number keys (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) are narrow, as their use is limited in most FPS
It doesn't take a gamer even, detect that this thing was NOT designed for WoW. For one thing, the number keys are close together and difficult to quickly identify. But, this begs the question: can we redesign our keybindings and take advantage of this semi-ergonomic layout?
Here was the challenge! And after one good-solid go at it, I honestly am not very impressed with what I have come up with. But, let's continue.
1. I use a left-handed mouse, and so this is in my Right hand
This means, I've got to learn WASD with my Right hand. Not a big deal, but it is a hump to get past.
2. My modifiers are CTRL and ALT
Thus, I can easily bind (6) keys with two different modifiers, for a total of (18) easy-to-reach keybindings.
3. Macros, Anyone?
There are a number of free-to-download programs that will allow the remapping of keyboard keys on a deeper level than WoW. Some will even allow you to write whole macros! This becomes important in a simple way: I can now assign F1 for example to a DOT rotation. With a single button, I can cast Corruption, Curse of Agony, and begin to power up a Shadowbolt.
As a Resto Druid, I need to bind the following spells...
Healing Spells - (8)
Rejuvation, Regrowth, Swiftmend, Wild Growth, Lifebloom, Nourish, Healing Touch, Tranquility
Cooldowns - (4)
Innervate, Tree of Life, Rebirth, Nature's Swiftness
Utility/Defensive Spells - (6)
Shadowmeld, Barkskin, Cat Sprint (Dash), Nature's Grasp, Cyclone, Entangling Roots
Miscellaneous Bindings - (6)+
Target, Mount, Bags, Guild Pane, Quests, Map, Character Screen, etc.
This is what my initial map looks like...
I will need a couple more weeks of raiding to tell how much I like it. So far though, my pinkie hurts a bit. I may think about rebinding some of the keys on the right side. Especially if I am tank healing.
More to come...
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