Sunday, November 7, 2010

FPS Pad + WoW

Recently, I splurged (this is a relative term, since I'm on a tight budget) and purchased a Cyber Snipa Gamepad V2 FPS keyboard for my PC and explored the possibilities of raiding and questing with this device.  I am not ready to give a complete review of my findings, but it's time to make an initial blog post about it.

First of all, this is the keyboard we're talking about...

This device is intended to be used in the Left hand, in place of a traditional keyboard.  It is catered toward FPS as you can see, in the following ways...

- The layout of the keys are designed for common FPS bindings
- Certain keys are labeled ie. - [ CTRL "Crouch" ] and [ SPACE "Jump" ]
- The number keys (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) are narrow, as their use is limited in most FPS

It doesn't take a gamer even, detect that this thing was NOT designed for WoW.  For one thing, the number keys are close together and difficult to quickly identify.  But, this begs the question: can we redesign our keybindings and take advantage of this semi-ergonomic layout?

Here was the challenge!  And after one good-solid go at it, I honestly am not very impressed with what I have come up with.  But, let's continue.

1. I use a left-handed mouse, and so this is in my Right hand

This means, I've got to learn WASD with my Right hand.  Not a big deal, but it is a hump to get past.

2. My modifiers are CTRL and ALT

Thus, I can easily bind (6) keys with two different modifiers, for a total of (18) easy-to-reach keybindings.

3. Macros, Anyone?

There are a number of free-to-download programs that will allow the remapping of keyboard keys on a deeper level than WoW.  Some will even allow you to write whole macros!  This becomes important in a simple way: I can now assign F1 for example to a DOT rotation.  With a single button, I can cast Corruption, Curse of Agony, and begin to power up a Shadowbolt.


As a Resto Druid, I need to bind the following spells...

Healing Spells - (8)
Rejuvation, Regrowth, Swiftmend, Wild Growth, Lifebloom, Nourish, Healing Touch, Tranquility

Cooldowns - (4)
Innervate, Tree of Life, Rebirth, Nature's Swiftness

Utility/Defensive Spells - (6)
Shadowmeld, Barkskin, Cat Sprint (Dash), Nature's Grasp, Cyclone, Entangling Roots

Miscellaneous Bindings - (6)+
Target, Mount, Bags, Guild Pane, Quests, Map, Character Screen, etc.

This is what my initial map looks like...

I will need a couple more weeks of raiding to tell how much I like it.  So far though, my pinkie hurts a bit.  I may think about rebinding some of the keys on the right side.  Especially if I am tank healing.

More to come...

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