Sunday, October 31, 2010

I am not what you would traditionally consider "disabled".  I don't sit in a wheelchair and, when we meet, my condition isn't immediately evident.

Rather, I suffer from an impinged disc in my back, that pinches against some nerve roots and causes chronic pain.  I deal with it, and I am still able to work and perform any normal activity, but it still is a disability, when it comes to gaming.

I am not able to use the traditional [Left-hand Mouse] + [Right-hand Keyboard] configuration of gameplay, as it causes me too much pain.  Over the last five + years, it has also costed me a lot of grief and money.  I REFUSE to quit gaming, though.

Instead, I have experimented and adapted my gameplay with a series of peripherals, re-mapping keys, additions to my desk, exercises, etc.  In this blog, we will explore my adventures as a "not-fully-able" gamer.  We'll laugh, we'll cry (salty, salty tears), and (most importantly): this will be a resource for gamers that suffer from any type of disability; a source of news, ideas, and encouragement.

Hang in there - you love gaming like I do, and together we'll make it work for us!


Just a note - I took a hiatus from blogging from July -> October of this year.

This came about, after realizing the sheer number of bloggers on my precise subject.  I read and enjoy 5-6 WoW blogs regularly and I needed a break, to find a new niche that I could blog from, without feeling as though I was copying others.

Enter: TRANQUIL RAIDER: a blog for disabled gamers.

I will discuss gaming for those who suffer from any type of disability that does not allow them to enjoy the traditional Mouse+Keyboard setup.

Alright, my arm is starting to tingle.  AFK!